
jenssegers/laravel-mongodb Basic Usage on cloud9 with php7⑦ convert mongoDB to Mysql

// setting up Mysql Relationships create the route and controller fetch the data from mongoDB extract the value from the response(3) fetch the data from Mysql using the value(4) return the response 1. @app\user use Jenssegers\Mongodb\Eloqu…

Git 色々


// updated: 2018/6/2 yarn run watch (npm run watch) などを使用中にbranchの切り替えを行うと予期しないファイルが更新されてうまくmerge出来ないことがあるので出来れば一度watchを解除してからbranchを切り替える。 例)masterはsourcemapを表示させて…

PHP 倉庫

// updated: 2018/4/6 複数の値を返す >>> 配列を使う return array($a, $b); 参考: 関数/メソッドから複数の値を返すには(多値返却) | hydroculのメモ 配列に連想配列を追加 $hoge = array('key1'=>'value1'); $hoge += array('key2'=>'value2'); var_dump…

Laravel + VueJS multi vue files loading

// @webpack.mix.js mix.js('resources/assets/js/app.js', 'public/js') .js('resources/assets/js2/app2.js', 'public/js'); @resources/assets/js/app.js app.js に実装したい routing, components を読み込むconst routes = [ { path: '/user/:id', comp…

jenssegers/laravel-mongodb Basic Usage on cloud9 with php7⑥ Mysql relationships test

// App\User >>>> Mysql based Database use Jenssegers\Mongodb\Eloquent\HybridRelations; use App\MongoMessage; class User extends Authenticatable { use HybridRelations; use MongoMessage; public function mongoMessages() { return $this->hasMan…

jenssegers/laravel-mongodb Basic Usage on cloud9 with php7⑤ EmbedsMany relationships test

// tinker $mongoUser = new MongoUser(['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Max']); $mongoMessage = new MongoMessage(['id' => 1, 'group' => '1', 'body' => 'Something', 'sender' => 'max', 'receiver' => 'Monica']); $mongoMessage = $mongoUser->mongoMessages(…

jenssegers/laravel-mongodb Basic Usage on cloud9 with php7④

// App/MongoUser namespace App; use Moloquent; use MongoMessage; class MongoUser extends Moloquent{ protected $connection = 'mongodb'; protected $collection = 'mongoUsers'; public function mongoMessages() { return $this->embedsMany('MongoM…

error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused (SQL: select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema = c9 and table_name = migrations)

// cloud9 上で php artisan migrate:reset 時に下記のエラー SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused (SQL: select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema = c9 and table_name = migrations) composer dump-autoload してもダメな時 な…

jenssegers/laravel-mongodb Basic Usage on cloud9 with php7③ 導入するメリット

// updated: 2018/3/6 jenssegers/laravel-mongodb を導入するメリット MySQL Relations If you're using a hybrid MongoDB and SQL setup, you're in luck! The model will automatically return a MongoDB- or SQL-relation based on the type of the rela…